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Grove 42 Gift Box

Grove 42 Gift Box

Do you know someone who loves citrus-flavoured drinks? Give the gift of Seedlip Grove 42 w/ our beautifully illustrated gift box. Inside is a full-size bottle of our zesty, citrus blend made using three types of Mediterranean Orange, Ginger, Lemongrass & Lemon peel

  1. Vegan
  2. Allergy Friendly
  3. Calorie Free
  4. Sugar Free

The Ingredients

Bitter Orange

Bitter Orange

Blood Orange

Blood Orange

Seedlip Ingredient LEMONGRASS




Seedlip Ingredient Oranfe


Seedlip Ingredient Ginger


Our Growing Promises

  • Sustainable Packaging
  • Natural Ingredients

Seedlip Grove 42 Cocktails


Seedlip Grove 42 Cocktails