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Cocktails / Garden 108

Haru Fizz

A non-alcoholic herbal twist on a classic made with Seedlip Garden 108

Cocktails / Garden 108

Haru Fizz

A non-alcoholic herbal twist on a classic made with Seedlip Garden 108

  • Ingredients

    Seedlip Garden 108: 35ml

    Green Tea Soda*: 85ml

  • Glass & Garnish

    Chilled Champagne Flute

    Garnish w/ Eucalyptus Sprig

  • Method


    *Green Tea Soda - Steep 15gram of Lalani Kytoto Oolong in 500ml cold water, allow to infuse for 4 hours. Strain. Add 120ml Agave Syrup. Carbonate. Keep very cold.

    Best served cold.

The cocktail centerpiece