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Welcome to the Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Welcome to the Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Discover a world of non-alcoholic spirits

Elli, your Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Nice to meet you

I'm Elli
your Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge "Elli" is our in-house master mixologist and your go-to guide for all things Seedlip, cocktails, and gift ideas.

Start chatting with Elli now to unlock a world of non-alcoholic possibilities.

I'm Here to Help With


Elli Chat AI slider banner

I'm Here to Help With


Not sure what non-alcoholic cocktail to mix up? Looking for a recipe to batch for a dinner party? Elli can answer all questions you have about the art of cocktailing. Make sure to ask about her crowd-favorite Seedlip margarita.

How do I use the Virtual AI Concierge?

Elli is a virtual AI concierge. Elli is a digital person powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and created using AI image generation. Although she is not a real person, she is here to help with all things Seedlip and the world of non-alcoholic spirits

Arguably Seedlip’s number one fan, Elli loves telling people about the brand, its nature-inspired products, and all about delicious non-alcoholic cocktails.

She is a Seedlip expert and was created to help users with choosing and creating cocktails, finding product information, or chatting about interesting topics like what gift to get your best friend or what it’s like to host an inclusive cocktail party with friends who may prefer non-alcoholic drinks.

You can ask Elli about Seedlip products, cocktail recipes, and gifting ideas. She’s also willing to chat about interesting and topical subjects related to Seedlip.

For example, try asking...

“Does Seedlip contain sugar?” or “What cocktail can I make for a themed get-together?”

Absolutely! By talking to her, Elli can assist you in choosing products, recipes, and gifts. She is a virtual AI concierge and can inspire you with creative and delicious Seedlip cocktail recipes.

AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is the science of making machines that can do “smart” things like understand language and hold normal conversations with people.

Yes. She has been designed with guardrails to ensure a safe and on-brand experience. While Elli is an AI-powered chatbot, she is built to provide accurate and helpful information about Seedlip products, cocktail recipes, and gifting options.

Elli also does not collect personal information and will never ask you for things like your email address or phone number. Please don’t enter this type of information into the service.

If you have any concerns or issues, you can always reach out to the Seedlip customer service at https://www.seedlipdrinks.com/en-us/contact-us/

Seedlip bottles image

From our garden

Seedlip bottles image
The Seedlip Special Offer Trio is a perfect way to explore the full Seedlip range in the comfort of your own home. Discover the aromatic Spice 94, herbal Garden 108 and citrus Grove 42.