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Seedlip Cocktails at Home Vol. II: Margarita Edition

Seedlip Cocktails at Home Vol. II: Margarita Edition

Since you all love the Grove Margarita so much… We asked our talented bartender friends to come up with their own Seedlip Margarita recipes. Compiled into this new cocktail recipe e-book – available for free. Each recipe is a twist on the classic cocktail with the familiar elements of punchy citrus, a touch of sweetness, and a Seedlip non-alcoholic spirit as the base.

  1. Allergy Friendly
  2. Calorie Free
  3. Sugar Free

Our Growing Promises

  • Sustainable Packaging
  • Natural Ingredients

Meet Elli

Your Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge "Elli" is our in-house master mixologist and your go-to guide for all things Seedlip, cocktails, and gift ideas.

Start chatting with Elli now to unlock a world of non-alcoholic possibilities.