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Seedlip Special Offer Trio

Seedlip Special Offer Trio


The Seedlip Special Offer Trio is a perfect way to explore the full Seedlip range in the comfort of your own home. Discover the aromatic Spice 94, the fresh & herbal Garden 108 & the citrus Grove 42. 1 full-size 700 ml bottle of Seedlip makes 12-14 cocktails.

  1. Allergy Friendly
  2. Calorie Free
  3. Sugar Free

The Flavors

Bitter Orange

Bitter Orange

Blood Orange

Blood Orange

Seedlip Ingredient LEMONGRASS




Seedlip Ingredient Oranfe


Seedlip Ingredient Ginger


Our Growing Promises

  • Sustainable Packaging
  • Natural Ingredients

Meet Elli

Your Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge

Seedlip Virtual AI Concierge "Elli" is our in-house master mixologist and your go-to guide for all things Seedlip, cocktails, and gift ideas.

Start chatting with Elli now to unlock a world of non-alcoholic possibilities.