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Our Journal

Six with Seedlip


Six with Seedlip

In honour of the six plants we work with to create each of our Seedlip Spirits, we’re putting six questions to makers and creators whose life and work is influenced by the natural world.


Having lived through it to tell the tale, Shara Tochia and Hettie Holmes, hosts and co-founders of health and wellness multi-media platform DOSE, dedicate their time to helping other women avoid symptoms of a 100mph career such as stress, adrenal fatigue and burn out.

Launched in 2016, the DOSE podcast shares feel-good stories and experiences, whilst their website whateveryourdose.com has a wealth of useful information to help people feel happier and healthier, including tips on fitness, self-care, food and drink, beauty, and travel advice.

We caught up with Shara & Hettie to chat to them about all thing’s health, wellness and nature, plus we find out who they’d most like to go for a cocktail with.

DOSE Headshot

DOSE co-founders, Shara Tochia and Hettie Holmes

VI. Tell me about something you are working on?


Building the DOSE community in other UK cities.


Season three of the DOSE podcast, which goes live in October.

Find out more on the DOSE podcast here