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Chinae Alexander Medium 4X3

Our Journal

Six w/ Seedlip: Chinae Alexander

For this month's Six w/ Seedlip, we spoke with Chinae Alexander, an entrepreneur, lifestyle personality and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. 

I. You are an entrepreneur, lifestyle personality, writer, speaker, and wellness expert based in Brooklyn, New York - and incredible one at that - how  have your roots helped you grow into this dynamic career path? 

I was born in Korea and my family moved to the states when I was 4, I grew up watching my mom and dad make a life in an unfamiliar place with no roots at all. That example of being able to create life and purpose in the midst of the unknown created a curiosity and bravery that I still hold today. In my career and beyond.  

II. What are three things you used to apologize for when you first moved to New York that actually you would never apologize for now and bring you balance? 

First, I bought into the hustle culture…hook, line, and sinker. I never wanted to admit I needed rest because that somehow indicated weakness but I realize now that rest is necessary for work and life to feel worthwhile.  Second, I used to apologize for saying no to plans or people, and now I know that “NO” is simply a “YES” to something I need more. Lastly, I used to feel terrible if I wasn’t out every weekend or didn’t want to party or drink…so I overextended myself weekly. Really listening to my body and mind and acting accordingly has done a huge service to my health and wellness.  

III. What does connecting to nature look like for you? How do you define nature? 

Connecting with nature has to be very intentional living in NYC. So while I might not be able to go on a hike on a whim, or putting my feet in the ocean when I want…I try to absorb nature even in my daily city life. Whether that’s sitting in the park with my dog, or just going to the roof to absorb the moonlight and listen to music…it’s about using those moments to connect back to myself. Nature is organically connecting back with the body and mind so you can do that anywhere. 

IV. What is the best advice you have received about entrepreneurship? What is the worst? 

“No one knows what the hell they are doing” Ha! It’s true though. We all have ideas and good intentions but so much of execution is trial and error and therein is the process. The worst is the general notion that you have to grind yourself into the ground, leaving little time for anything or anyone else. This is a recipe for no creativity and burnout.  


V. What is something we can do once a day to nurture our self-confidence and self-esteem? 

Be gentle when you falter on your confidence or self-worth. When you find yourself speaking negatively to yourself, steep in some forgiveness that it’s only human to do so.  


VI. If you could invite 6 individuals to a dinner party you’re hosting, who would they be and why? What Seedlip cocktail are you serving? 

Brené Brown because she’s the queen. 

Oprah because again…queen. 

Fran Lebowitz because I need to meet this grumpy NYC icon and hear her stories.  

And three close friends because I wouldn’t want to soak up the goodness of this dinner party alone without anyone to reminisce with about it.  

I’m doing a make your own Seedlip cocktail bar with various ingredients and letting each unique guest make something that speaks to them that night.  

Follow Chinae @chinaealexander